Hope4Spandana Charity Chess Tournament
Come help this great cause while playing in fun chess tournament! The tournament has section for rated players and unrated players. Regardless of section, it is a 4 round G/25, […]
Friday Exton Commons Tournament # 62

The 62nd Exton Commons Tournament was a thrilling end to this July 2024. Joseph Mucerino won the Open section with a perfect score of 4-0. Saharsh Nannapaneni followed with a […]
Friday Exton Commons Tournament # 61

The 61st Exton Common Tournament was an exciting start to a wonderful July 2024. This was a fun way to say goodbye to Mohit and Ashrith, who have moved to […]
2024 PTA Chess Event
This 4 round chess event is being sponosored by the Philadelphia Telangana Association. Free pizza dinner is provided. The event will be in 4 sections. Two unrated – Kindergarten to […]
Ladies Tournament
$100 Open Prize – 11 to 5 PM; G/40, d5 The 1st round will start at 11, lunch (gluten free pizza will be provided by around 12:15 or so), Round […]
The Gijon International Chess Tournaments, 1944 – 1965: A History with Biographies and 213 Games by Pedro Mendez Castedo and Luis Mendez Castedo

Not all stories need 100,000 words. McFarland Books recognized this and has begun to expand past the large thorough biographies they are known for publishing into historical works that examine […]
Fred Reinfeld: The Man Who Taught America Chess with 282 Games by Alex Dunne

Fred Reinfeld: The Man Who Taught America Chess with 282 Games by Alex Dunne, who is the correspondence chess director for U S Chess. Dunne’s lightly researched book attempts to […]
Saturday Exton Commons tournament # 49
The first event of a fantastic new year is the 49th Exton Commons Event. Mohit Maringanti led the Open section. He was the only one in the section with a […]
Saturday Exton Commons tournament # 48
The last event of a hectic December is the 48th Exton Commons Event. Michael Li led the Under 900 section. He won all three games. Kritarth Acharya, a regular club […]
Saturday Exton Commons tournament # 47
The first event of December 2023 was the 47th Exton Commons event. Joe Mucerino led the Open section. He was the highest-rated player by about 300 points, so the pressure […]