Match Day!

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Match Play:

There has been alot of confusion with this event and so I am going to try to set it up as a tournament/event on here and hopefully we can either make it less confusing or just get people to come and try it out.

The event is $10.  When you sign up after the kids name put in when you would like to play.  10 to 2, 1 to 5, all day (10 to 6 is the event so you can’t be there more than 8 hours) then we will pair you for your match with someone else who signs up.  If there is someone specific you klnow you are matching sign up and put there name after your last name.  This is more of an issue for players over a 1000.  For those under 1000 we have enough that you should be able to find someone without trouble.

Mohit will be analysing games for players and we will have snacks upstairs and pizza around 1.

The plan is for people to do their matches downstairs and after the 1st game they can come and have lunch or snack or dive right in to game 2.  Once you are done one match, you can play a 2nd or you can be done for the day.  Obviously those playing G/90, d5 will not be able to get in as many games as those playing G/25, d5; but I encourage those playing in the 2 day sections at states where G/90, d5 is the speed.

If you have any questions, just let me know