Last Day to be 47 tournament.

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  As for the tournament on Saturday we have the oddly named Last Day to be 47 tournament.  The sections are Open, Under 1100, Under 550.  We have a couple of parents who these days play at club, a few others that have expressed interest.  As I want to encourage this, I can’t do much about your USChess membership price, but I will give parents a discount and they can play in the event for $10. For this event you can play in the Open, I will talk to some young players about letting the adults play in the middle section like we do at the Holly Heisman tournament.
       For Saturday: Time Control: G/25 d5 Rounds – 4, start at 1 PM and then as soon as possible, Entry Fee $20.  If you need to take byes (1 – 1/2 point as many 0 point as you need), just let me know.  The event is at 666 Exton Commons, Exton, PA, where we play chess on Tuesday nights.  Again, the sections are Open, Under 1100 and Under 550.  Please try the link –  Prizes are trophies and $50 in the Open section.